Avoiding the New CFO / CEO Disconnect
Every now and again I’ll have a finance executive ring me up and ask me to find them a new position when they’ve only been with their current employer for a matter of six or eight months. They’re almost always well-regarded professionals who’ve never precipitously jumped ship before. When I ask why they want to move after such a short time, the answer is invariably the same: they were not given the full story when they joined, and in some cases they were outright lied to during the interview process.
Of course, one could chide the finance executive for not having done enough due diligence prior to taking the job, but the real question here is why a company would fudge the truth about a position it wants to fill.
If you think you may be in the market for top financial talent in the next few months, call me direct or email me, for a no obligation consultation.
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